Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make Up and Sweat...just don't mix!

Yes I am a HOT MESS! :)

One thing I learned today that I am not as prepared as I thought I was. Now don't get me wrong.I get all my workout gear ready the night before... but there are a few things I have forgotten over the past two weeks (sorry coworkers! )that I should have at the top of my list... Lets start with a bar of soap and wash cloth! It is not a pretty sight coming in from outside walking with sweat, foundation, eye liner all running down my face in a place of business. Second, lets talk about reapplying the makeup back into place after the workout! I just wish Sephora would make a foundation that would last through the pouring sweat! Now that would be awesome! And everyone could look absolutely FABULOUS during their workouts! lol

Its Day 11, and I made a bad decision last night on what to eat for dinner. I had been feeling hungry all day! I started with a cup of coffee and a protein bar, went into lunch with a cheese sandwich (b/c someone forgot the lunch meat! DUH!) and a cup of strawberries! I'm rocking this diet!! I went to pick up Madison from school at 2:30 and we had a snack.  I had an apple, she had the rest of her banana from breakfast and a granola bar. We are doing this together! I am trying to teach my daughter good eating habits along with exercising! So its almost 4 and I am starving again...there's another apple left from Madison's lunch, so I ate that, and gave into her pressure of having some princess gummies! lol  By 5:30 after dropping Madison off I am about to gnaw on my hand and work my way up to the elbow! (Not a pretty sight at all!) So the closest thing to me guessed it McDONALDs!!!  As I pulled into the drive thru I new, I just new it was a bad idea! So I tried their new less than 400 calories menu... A Grilled Chicken Ranch BLT.... 380 calories...not bad...but its what comes with that sandwich that makes the whole meal a BIG PILE O'CRAP! Medium fries, and a coke! 590 calories just for those two items...and 106 carbs! That's 106/150 carbs for the day for me! Not good! I was on my way to Yoga for the first time no doubt so I had no idea what to expect, all I knew was that feeling in my stomach was gone and I was happy again! Obesity is a huge (pardon the pun) problem in the country. And one of those reasons is that food is comfort and not nourishment. I am learning this day by day! So at Yoga I stretched my sore muscles that had been sore since I started walking and I went home relaxed and back in my mind frame I have come to know the past 10 days!  When I woke up, I was really mad at myself for eating like I did! It was a horrible feeling and I don't want to feel that way! I don't want to feel the way I did 12 days ago ever again! This is my new bandwagon....

Exercise for today 8/16/12

Distance: 3.07mi


Pace: 14:35min/mi

Speed: 4.11mi/h.

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